Smiling lunge twist on the rocks in Maine

I first stepped onto a yoga mat in 2007, fell in love with the practice, and never looked back. Growing up as a ballerina, it was the movement practice that initially spoke to me, but it was the opportunity to step out of the chaos of the day and be in a safe space to sort out the chaos of my mind that kept me coming back.

After a dozen years as solely a student of yoga, I decided it was my turn to contribute to the community that has held that space for me time after time. I completed my RYT-200 hour certification with the Essence of Yoga School and completed my RYT-300 hour certification at Boston Yoga Union.

My teaching style is vinyasa flow, focused on mobility and creative movement, drawing from my background in dance. I like to encourage students to take the practice beyond what it looks like on the outside and, instead, focus on checking in on what’s going on inside their minds and feeling good in their bodies. My goal is to create a fun, engaging class so you just might get lost in the flow and leave class feeling stronger — mentally and physically.

I’m passionate about teaching beginners and folks newer to the practice, or those who are just curious about the details, and looking for a slower-paced and more in-depth practice.

About Me

Lazy king pigeon/mermaid pose (Eka Pada Raja Kapotasana)
Crow pose arm balance (Bakasana), arm balance on tree stump
Tree pose standing balance (Vrksasana), arms up and looking up
Setting up for half lotus pose, Padmasana, which increases flexibility in the ankle and knee
Star pose in yoga, Utthita Tadasana, is an expansive stance that opens your body up, stretching and strengthening
Upward facing dog, Urdhvamukhasvanasana, stretches the back and chest
Three legged downward facing dog, Tri Pada Adho Mukha Svanasana, stretches the front body, hip flexors and chest, while strengthening the arms, shoulders, and legs
Crescent lunge twist stretches the chest and arms while strengthening the legs, back, and grounded arm
Seated wide legged straddle fold, Upavistha Konasana, stretches the back, backs of legs, and sides of body